Getting married and officially registering your marriage is a significant legal obligation in India. The procedure for registering for a marriage certificate under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 is designed specifically for Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs, or individuals who have converted to these religions. For those practicing different religions, alternative marriage laws are applicable.
If you fall under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, you can go through the steps outlined in the act to legalize your marriage. However, if you practice a different religion, you will need to follow the corresponding marriage regulations that apply to your faith. It’s important to ensure that your marriage is legally recognized, regardless of your religious background, as this provides various legal rights and protections.
Here are the steps to register your marriage under the Hindu Marriage Act:
Eligibility: Both the husband and wife must be Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, and Sikhs, or one of them should have converted to these religions. If not, this act doesn’t apply to your marriage.
Application: Apply to the sub-registrar in whose jurisdiction your marriage took place or where either of you resides.
Application Form: Both partners must fill, sign, and submit the Application Form along with the following documents:
- Two photographs
- Wedding invitation card
- Proof of age
- Proof of address
- An affidavit from a Notary or Executive Magistrate confirming your marriage under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955
- Proof of mental fitness
- Proof that there is no prohibited relationship between the parties.
Conditions for a valid marriage under the Hindu Marriage Act:
- Neither party should have a living spouse at the time of marriage.
- Both parties should willingly consent to the marriage and have sound judgment.
- Neither party should suffer from a mental disorder that makes them unfit for marriage or procreation. They should not have recurrent insanity or epilepsy.
- Both parties should be of legal marriageable age, which is 21 years for males and 18 years for females.
A marriage that does not meet these conditions or violates the rules of the Act is considered null and void. Those involved in such a marriage can face punishment, including imprisonment or a fine.
The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 also emphasizes the importance of following customary rites and ceremonies. This may include rituals like the saptpadi, where the bride and groom take seven steps together around a sacred fire. The marriage is typically considered complete after the seventh step. These ceremonies can vary based on customs and traditions.
Getting your marriage certificate is very important. To get your marriage register you need certain document. Birth certificate is one of them. Birth certificate is important because it is serves as proof of your age and birth. It proves that you are an adult and entitled to get marry.