In case your long-term disability claim has been denied, you must click here to get in touch with a disability attorney. It is important to note in addition to the physical disabilities, you can also cover compensation for psychological and medical disorders. If you have any doubt about whether you are eligible to file, an attorney can help you evaluate that.
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What are the benefits?
When a person is not able to work because of a long-term disability, they can choose to get a disability policy to recover some percentage of the income that will be lost. It is also important to remember that some employers also provide this benefit to the employees and it is generally called Employer Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). While the employees get this benefit, others may have to purchase when not provided.
An interesting fact is that for people who have money, it is better to go for an individual disability policy, as it provides them with more legal rights than the ones the employers provide.
How are the benefits paid?
You should remember that Long-term disability policies are there to provide only a portion of the income in case a person is not able to work. The waiting periods for these benefits are usually three to six months. If you are claiming benefits, you should be aware that some of the policies are known to impose a time limit on these benefits. If you have conditions like fibromyalgia, psychiatric conditions, or muscular-skeletal problems, the benefits may be restricted to a period of only 2 years. So, if you are in Florida and are purchasing a policy or are provided one by your employer, you should make sure to understand the benefits that come with the package and be prepared beforehand.
A medical diagnosis:
The procedure for filing a long-term disability claim requires you to provide strong as a well well-documented medical evidence. In addition to that, you will also require a medical diagnosis from a qualified doctor to get comprehensive disability benefits from the insurance policy.
Final thoughts:
There should be no mistake on your end, as the insurance companies will try their level best to not give you any benefits at all. Even a slight mistake can sabotage your disability claim. So, get the help of an attorney to make sure the medical records are complete.