With the new year here, there has never been a better time to go over the international conferences that will be held in Hong Kong in 2024. Whether you are an engineer, scientist, businessperson, or something else, there is sure to be a conference that interests you.
Hong Kong is one of the go-to destinations when it comes to hosting an international conference, and that is why there are so many different conferences upcoming this year.
For example, last year there was an international conference about impact investing in Asia.
Here, we’ll go over our picks for the top four international conferences that will be held in Hong Kong sometime in 2024.
- ICCA 2024
If you’re interested in arbitration, then you may want to book yourself a ticket to attend the 2024 ICCA Congress in Hong Kong. Their theme is “International Arbitration: A Human Endeavor. The congress at the conference will discuss the state and effects of international arbitration as it is today, as well as going forward to discuss various aspects of international arbitration such as the stakeholders in it.
The 26th annual holding of this event will be held from May 5th to May 8th, 2024. With Hong Kong as one of the world’s most important and notable financial cities, the location for this event is also a no-brainer.
- ICoPESA 2024
The 8th International Conference on Power Energy Systems and Applications, or ICoPESA 2024, is going to be held in Hong Kong from March 1st to March 3rd, 2024.
ICoPESA is a conference for academics and industry professionals alike to come together and share the latest information involving the world of power energy systems and applications.
There will be a wide variety of topics discussed at the conference, many of which can be viewed here:
- Power Converters
- Aerospace Power Electronics
- Thermal Management & Packaging
- Magnetics & Capacitors Design
- Wireless Power Transfer
- Power Electronics Application in Power Systems
- High Voltage Engineering
- Condition Monitoring, Diagnosis, and Management of Electric Power Equipment
- Distributed Generation & Energy Storage
- Motor Drives, Control & Mechatronics
- EMC & Power Quality
- Wide Band Gap Semiconductors Devices
- Medical & Rehabilitation Power Electronics
- Environmental Protection & Alternative Energy
- Control Techniques for Power Converters
- Railway Systems & Transportation
- Power Electronics Security
- Smart Technologies and Smart Solutions in Future Electrical Power Systems
- ICT and Cyber Security for Electrical Power Systems
Here’s more information about ICoPESA 2024, follow this link.
- ICSSPA 2024
The International Conference on Social Science and Public Affairs will be held in Hong Kong from April 18th to April 19th, 2024.
The conference is a great opportunity for academics, scholars, industry profiles, and others to come together and discuss a multitude of concepts relating to social science and public affairs.
Some of these concepts include combating information warfare, political science, terrorism and homeland security policies, public administration, race and ethnic studies, and much more. Here is a comprehensive list on the topics that will be discussed at the ICSSPA 2024.
- AAME 2024
The International Conference on Aeronautical, Aerospace, and Mechanical Engineering 2024 will be held in Hong Kong from March 8th to March 10th, 2024.
If you’re interested in the field of Aeronautics, Aerospace, or Mechanical Engineering, then this conference may just be the perfect one to go to as there are going to be many discussions involving all three of those industries.
Some topics that will be covered in this conference are aircraft design, flight mechanics and control, rocket theory and design, flight driving and control technology, airport operation and management, spacecraft structure and design, aircraft structure and design, food machinery, agricultural machinery manufacturing, mining and construction machinery equipment and engineering, along with so many other topics.
Keep in mind there are so many other conferences out there this year, so we recommend doing your own research and finding one that best suits you if there wasn’t one you liked on this list.